



Egypt Yellow Pages Ltd. offers regional Yellow Pages in print and online. The directory you are holding is the inaugural edition of the Mega Yellow Pages which is a bilingual business directory covering Cairo, Alexandria, Delta & Industrial Zones. We also offer Sinai & Red Sea Yellow Pages which is distributed throughout the Sinai Peninsula, the Red Sea coast and now includes Upper Egypt & The North Coast. All of these products are issue charge, and are also available online at

Egypt Yellow Pages Ltd. welcomes all businesses, which are not currently listed in our Directories or Website to contact us. As always, our policy is to provide one free listing (business name, address, main telephone number) to any Egypt-based business.

If you are interested in finding out more about free Yellow Pages participation or investing in any of our products, please CM! 19ff^y7 or e-mail us at

Egypt Yellow Pages publishes 185,000 MEGA directories and 60,000 Sinai & Red Sea directories annually; with a combined total of over 100,000 business listings. All editions are offered within Egypt OMB of charge. is an English and Arabic website offering access to over 100,000 business listings in Egypt.

In addition to being Egypt’s most comprehensive business listing database visitors to the website will enjoy free access to such things sigh Classified Ads,tJH3JSMS & MMS Services,QUO DirectoriesCCmMaps,(Misemployment Services and much more.