– الشركة المصريه للمعدات الطبية Egyptian Medical Devices


– الشركة المصريه للمعدات الطبية  Egyptian Medical Devices

Activities:  → Auriga XL “Holmium Laser System” (stone fragmentation – enucleation of prostate “HOLEP” -ablation of prostate “HOLAP” – resection of tumors – bladder neck incision)

→ Auriga Qi “Holmium Laser System”(The first desktop 30w holmium laser system with the energy of joules)

→ Pico Bright (The urodynamic system which you need for a complete examination portable, touch screen,wireless)

→ Pico flow 2 (Portable unit for uroflowmetry with wireless flow meter)

→ Pico smart (Advanced urodynamic system)

→ Vela Xl “Thulium laser system”(the all – rounder among the surgical lasers)

Address: 20 El-Tayaran St., Nasr City,Cairo,Egypt.

Tel.: 002 – 02 – 24027077

Fax: 002 – 02 – 22627221

Mob:(+ 2) 01118020880

Website: www.emdegypt.com
